Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tankless: Too Hot Not to Have

More and more homeowners are trying to save money any place they can. One good place to start is their water heater. When was the last time you got a new and more efficient water heater? If you cannot remember then it has been too long. If you are still one of the traditional homeowners who have a water heater tank that costs you money rather than helps you save or you have to wait at least 10 minutes after showering or bathing before you can do laundry or wash your dishes, then it is time to consider a whole new direction.

When you talk about efficiency and helping the environment why not save a little money in the process. Energy bills are enormous these days and people are constantly trying to look for ways to save money. If you do not pay an energy bill, you might be shocked to learn that approximately a third of our energy bills go towards heating water alone; this is where tankless water heaters have a great use and offer a number of advantages.
There are many advantages to a tankless water heater over the conventional tank water heater. One advantage would be energy savings. With a tankless water heater you save energy, and thus money by reducing your heating costs 50% over using a hot water tank. This is due to the fact that hot water tanks store water that can experience what is called "standby" losses, when heat evaporates through the flue or sides of the tank, costing you money. Tank water heaters fire on and off all the time, when you are on vacation or even sleeping, to maintain the temperature of water in the tank within about 10* of the thermostat setting. Tankless water heaters save fuel because they do not have to maintain a supply of hot water in a tank and are typically "always off".

Along with watching your money magically evaporate out of the flue pipe, you might also experience the personal inconvenience of running out of hot water. Unfortunately, a tank water heater can only supply enough hot water to fill a bath tub and may have enough hot water left for a quick shower. With a tankless water heater you will get endless hot water. Tankless water heaters heat water on demand, and that means you never have to worry about running out of hot water. Imagine the luxury of always having enough hot water for everyone to enjoy and relax, and still have an endless supply for the rest of your household needs.

Durability is another great advantage when choosing a tankless water heater. Since tankless units do not store water, they are less subject to corrosion than tank water heaters thereby further reducing potentially high costs associated with drips or maintenance. The expected equipment life of a tankless water heater is longer; more than 20 years, compared with 6 to 10 years for tank water heaters. Also, if your tankless needs to be serviced, any single part of the heater can be replaced or fixed, instead of having to install a whole new tank like the conventional water heater.

Safety and size make for another key reason to choose tankless. At a typical size of 23"x19"x7", the tankless water heater can free up a considerable area in your home for other purposes. Most brands of tankless water heaters can be installed on any wall, indoors or outdoors freeing up space, and keeping the water heater out of reach. The smaller tankless water heater reduces your risk of getting scalded, since huge amounts of hot water are not stored in a tank, but rather are processed as needed. You need not worry about an accident or explosion sending gallons of hot water throughout the area to harm people or pets.The advantages of eliminating your tank water heater are obvious… increase your energy savings, lower your water heating costs, peace of mind, space in your home, and increased safety. If you are looking for energy efficiency as well as an endless supply of hot water than you will want to look into purchasing a tankless water heater.

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